So I’ve been feeling rather icky all morning… not sick… just, y’know. Icky. I talked dad into going and getting me McDonald’s, and I was planning on settling down in the armchair with my french fries and reading in my pajamas.
Right before my dad is about to head out the door, my grandmother calls. Do we want to go eat lunch at the Olive Garden with them and my aunt?
My answer is no, I don’t feel like going anywhere and I want to stay in my pjs… but everyone bugs me to go. So I guess we’re going…

I don’t even know if you guys can tell. It got rid of those annoying lighter places in my hair, made the whole thing more unified, and slightly darker. It even kinda even gave it some red tones… don’t know where that came from, because it was a straight up brown.
But I like it. A whole lot. I am happy happy happy with it.